PDF Docs

Law Office of Scott Bradley Dormer

Downloadable PDF Documents


Automobile Accident Information Form

This form can be printed out, folded in three, and kept in your glove box to be filled out in the event of an automobile accident

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California DMV SR-1 Accident Report Form

California law requires that traffic accidents on a California street, highway or private property be reported to the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) within 10 days if there was an injury, death or property damage exceeding $750. Untimely reporting could result in the DMV suspending your drivers license.

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California DMV SR-19 Insurance or Information Request

As mentioned above, each driver involved in an accident that caused property damage or injury must file an SR-1 form with the DMV. You may obtain a photocopy of the report that the other driver submitted to DMV by completing a Financial Responsibility Document Request form SR-19C and mailing it to the address printed on top of the form. You may also request the other driver’s insurance information and/or a certification that the other driver was not insured (Uninsured Motorist Certificate). Click on the PDF Adoble Logo to download the form.

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Worker’s Compensation DWC 1 Claim Form for Employee Injuries

If you are injured or become ill, either physically or mentally, because of your job, including injuries resulting from a workplace crime, you may be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits. Attached is the form for filing a workers’ compensation claim with your employer. Click on the PDF Adobe Logo to download.

To file a claim, complete the “Employee” section of the form, keep one copy and give the rest to your employer. Your employer will then complete the “Employer” section, give you a dated copy, keep one copy and send one to the claims administrator. Benefits can’t start until the claims administrator knows of the injury, so complete the form as soon as possible.

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Don’t Delay! Any delay in contacting a lawyer can damage your case!

Contact Mr. Dormer Today at (310) 578-9777 for a Free Consultation!

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